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Thursday, 20 June 2013 01:38


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June 13, 2013 -The 2013 World Ball Hockey Federation Championships wrapped up on Sunday at the historic Maple Leaf Gardens as Canada captured double gold on home soil in both divisions of play, Women’s with a 5-2 victory over the Netherlands and Men’s a 7-1 win over team Team USA.

The Women’s bronze was won by Team USA in double overtime over Great Britain and the men’s Great Britain team would win the bronze with a 5-2 victory over Portugal.
In the 48 games played throughout the seven days and the players, staffs and friends and families in attendance had a wonderful time watching in the historic Maple Leaf Gardens. The atmosphere of being in the heart of one of the biggest cities in the world and in the downtown core allowed many to visit the wonderful sites of the city which included the CN Tower, Hockey Hall of Fame as the community welcomed all the athletes to this world class city.

What a week it was with so many stories:

  • the East Africa women’s teams scoring in the final game versus Team Slovakia with under 5 seconds to play
  • the Slovakian and East Africa women’s teams gathered for a team picture at the conclusion of their game
  • the Slovakian and Pakistan men’s teams gathering for a team picture and at the conclusion of their game
  • Team USA women’s teams winning their first medal at an international competition
  • Canada’s double gold on home soil in front of family and friends

The Host Committee in conjunction with the Ontario Ball Hockey Association and the National Ball Hockey Association of Canada would like to thank the World Ball Hockey Federation as well as its member countries for providing a first class event for the fans. Players enjoyed themselves around town, whether it was a day trip to Centre Island, the CN Tower, Hockey Hall of Fame, Niagara Falls, Little Italy, Little Portugal or eating a meal at one of our fine local establishments along Queen Street. We would also like to thank NGR for hosting three nights at various nightclubs in Toronto for the teams. Who can forget the trips to Loblaws located in Maple Leaf Gardens as teams still continue to rave about the options of food provided and the ease to purchase groceries for the week.

Throughout the week and especially within the businesses within ten minutes of the downtown core the many stores commented on the amount of business they received from the tournament and this is yet another example of the benefits of hosting international events.

Our high definition online streaming of the games through Jenmark was indeed the highlight for many around the world and we are still receiving the positive comments for the coverage. The web site was updated immediately with the wonderful collection of staff on site which worked with all the teams throughout the week long proceedings.

The play by play tandem of Anthony Regan and Daniel Ranalli that helped bring the games into everyone’s homes and share the stories of the tournament.

Lastly, to the entire staff, game officials, teams, friends and family who made this the event, ‘Where The World United’, we thank you all.

If you wish to relive the games, they are available at

The 2014 World Junior Ball Hockey Championship will take place in Europe, June 22-29 with a formal announcement of the host city by June 30 of this year.

The 2014 Master’s World Ball Hockey Championships in two divisions O31 and O40 will be hosted in Bratislava, Slovakia bext fall.

The 2015 World Ball Hockey Championships will be hosted in Europe in June and host city to be announced in November.

Media Contacts:

Daniel Ranalli Host Committee Chair This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Steve Rumsey President, National Ball Hockey Association of Canada This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Domeic Di Gironimo World Ball Hockey Federation This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Read 4807 times Last modified on Saturday, 07 September 2013 13:16