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Tuesday, 26 November 2013 18:48


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The Men`s Team Canada unveiled their championship rings on Saturday, November 9 at the Awards Dinner and Banquet, Celebration of Excellence.

Twelve members of the team and staff were in attendance receiving their rings during the evenings proceedings.

The 'RING':

MTC logo over the cup
WORLD (top)
CHAMPIONS (bottom)
24 inserted in the MTC (one per player)
24 stones around the cup (one per family)
12 stones on side (6 on each side for staff/family) long narrow stones
7 stones for each of the games played

67 stones for the achievement and to mark the last year a major hockey championship was won in that building

Player Shank
Name cut into the ring
Red Jersey cut into the side shank similar to the final jersey worn in the gold medal game
2013 on either side of the jersey for the year
POS along the bottom

Tournament Shank
Tournament Logo to sit on top of Maple Leaf Gardens similar to the Conn Smyth Trophy (location is not required as Flag/CN Tower are in the logo)
Country flags with Final Score on each side of the logo
One Goal (cut into the ring below the Gardens)

Inside the Ring

Congratulations again on the accomplishment!

Read 5282 times Last modified on Tuesday, 26 November 2013 18:54