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Tuesday, 07 March 2017 23:22

Men’s & Women’s Team Canada – Go Fund Us Featured

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In June of 2017, forty-four men, women and staff will depart for the Czech Republic to compete at the World Men's & Women's Ball Hockey Federation Championships.

We are hoping individuals can donate $20.00 between March 1 and April 30 towards our goal of $60,000 for both teams.  

Team Canada Ball Hockey Club travels every two years to compete at an international level in the hopes to bring back a gold medal.  We hope in 2017 to be in the running for the gold medal.  In their journey they will work with teammates, gain new friendships and a lifetime of memories as the Team Canada program has built the best possible team and now look for the support of the wonderful players, families and administrators across the country.

We would be extremely grateful if you could donate to aid us in our quest to win the World Championship. Your contributions in support of this exciting endeavor will help make this once in a lifetime opportunity for these athletes possible. 

Please take the time to donate using the link 

If you wish to make a sponsorship donation to the team, please email  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  and address Stephen Dockerty.

Any donation helps, but more importantly we are looking for support. Donate, Follow us, Support us.

Facebook – National Ball Hockey of Canada

Twitter - @nbhac
Instagram - @nbhac

#wbhf17czechrepublic #wethegame #weareCANADA

Commit To The Culture of Excellence


Read 7116 times Last modified on Wednesday, 18 October 2017 21:01